Discover the full advantage of maintenance agreements this fall -- from reliable heat to improved health!
Have you stopped to consider the benefits you can experience by enrolling in the right HVAC maintenance agreements? They’re not just a convenient way to stay on top of routine HVAC care. Through these convenient plans, homeowners save money by bundling services, but they also have the advantage of building a personal relationship with a reliable, respected HVAC provider.
If you or your family members deal with fall allergies, maintenance agreements offer yet another benefit you may not have considered: keeping your home’s indoor air quality as allergen free as possible. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect.
Improving Indoor Air Quality
Did you know indoor air pollution is a serious problem in the U.S.? You don’t have to live along a major highway to have contaminants in your home. In fact, most of us bring them in willingly as we paint or install new carpeting or just walk in from outside with outdoor allergens sticking to our clothing and hair. Cleaning products are also a prevalent source of toxins, and few homeowners do much to counteract them.
Your HVAC system alone won’t clear all the harmful elements from your indoor air, but it’s a good first start. The battle begins with regular maintenance and changing the HVAC filter often.
Most homeowners use low-quality filters because they are cheap, and looking from one model to the next, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference. Take a closer look at the labels, and you will see different filters have different MERV ratings.
MERV stands for “Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value” and reflects how many particles a filter removes from the air. Bargain filters are often rated MERV 4. Experts suggest using filters rated MERV 8 and above to cut down on pollen spores and dander. Filters and air cleaning devices with a MERV 13 or higher can remove particles as small as tobacco byproducts. A certified HVAC technician can go over your filter options during preventive maintenance checks.
Improve Your Home Environment with Maintenance Agreements
At G+S, smart customers who enroll in our maintenance agreements receive two visits a year, including filter changes, thermostat calibration, lubrication of mechanical parts, cleaning, electrical testing and more. In addition, members receive fringe benefits, such as discounts on repairs and replacements, and priority service.
Our team will ensure your HVAC runs optimally AND keeps your indoor air as clean and allergen-free as possible. Enroll in one of our convenient maintenance agreements to achieve a higher level of climate control and indoor air quality for your home. Contact us today.