
3 Tips You Can Do Today to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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The term carbon footprint has gotten a lot of press in recent years, and for a good reason. It’s a way to measure the amount of carbon compounds an individual emits based on their level of fossil fuel consumption. With the overwhelming evidence of climate change, it’s critical for everyone to learn how to reduce their carbon footprint. One way is by creating an energy-efficient home. Here are three simple tips to help you do just that.

Tip #1: Check Your Thermostat Settings

Did you know that you can significantly impact your carbon footprint simply by adjusting your thermostat? Moving it up two to four degrees in the summer and down two to four degrees in the winter can increase your home’s energy efficiency, cutting costs and helping you use less energy.

Tip #2: Change Your Air Filter

One thing that makes your HVAC system work harder than it should and use excess energy is a dirty filter. Change your filter every 30-90 days for more efficient heating and cooling.

Tip #3: Don’t Neglect Maintenance

HVAC systems that don’t get regular attention tend to be less efficient and less effective. Scheduling seasonal maintenance in the spring before you turn on the AC and in the fall before the weather gets cool enough to need heat will help your system run more smoothly, reduce the potential for breakdowns, and reduce your energy consumption.

We might not be able to save the planet single-handedly, but we can contribute to a safer environment and healthier planet by taking simple steps to reduce our carbon footprints. Contact the energy experts at G+S Heating and Air today for more tips on creating an energy-efficient home.

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