When the weather gets colder, it’s time for your HVAC system to switch to full-time heat mode. But just because it’s doing more heating and less cooling these days doesn’t mean it should have to work overtime. Here are three signs to look for to prevent an overworked furnace and the problems that come with it.
#1: A Cold House Even Though the Heat is On
Does your house feel chilly even though the heat is constantly running? That’s a sign of an overworked furnace. If you keep bumping up the thermostat without the house warming up, something is going wrong with your furnace, causing the overload. This is a sign that it’s time for an HVAC service call.
#2: Energy Bills Keep Going Up
Look to your heating system if your energy bills seem high in relation to how much you think you’re using. Your HVAC is one of the biggest energy users in your home, often accounting for up to 40% of your energy consumption. But an unexplained increase is a sign that your furnace isn’t operating as it should.
#3: More and More Repairs
Are you sick of calling for service and repair for your heating system? If it seems like there’s always something wrong with your furnace, it could be a sign that it’s overworked. When it can no longer keep up with demand to reach your desired temperature, it’s time to stop paying for repairs and consider upgrading to a new system.
No matter what’s going on with your HVAC system, whether it’s overworked or something else is not functioning properly, you need an HVAC company you can trust. So reach out to the experienced team at G+S Heating and Air to schedule a service call to inspect and evaluate your furnace.