
3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Failing

Looking for some easy troubleshooting tips? Here’s some help fixing the most common AC problems.

Troubleshooting helps homeowners save money and stay comfortable. It doesn’t take a professional HVAC technician to solve every heating and cooling problem. Try these common tips before scheduling an appointment for repairs:

1. Air Conditioner Won’t Run

Sometimes, you turn down the temperature on your thermostat only to have nothing happen. Most often, this represents a power problem. Check the batteries or power to the thermostat, as well as the breaker or fuse for the AC.

2. Air Conditioner Won’t Blow

When your AC won't blow or won't blow hard enough, poor airflow is often the culprit. Install a new, clean air filter. Schedule a preventive maintenance check to clean out dust and dirt inside your HVAC system. In the meantime, check to make sure the supply vents within your home aren't closed off or blocked by furniture.

3. Air Conditioner Doesn’t Blow Cold

Unlike your car's air conditioner, there are no home kits for recharging your central air conditioner's refrigerant, it's actually against the law unless you are EPA certified. If you've been running your air conditioner without any problem, it could be that your AC unit has frozen over. The temporary remedy is simple. Just turn it off for up to 24 hours and give it a chance to thaw. It's important to give it time, as running the AC in this state will cause even more damage.Make sure you have a clean air filter installed on your system. Once thawed, turn it on to see if it freezes up again. If so, then it’s time to call the service department at G+S Heating Air Energy Services in order to have a technician discover what the underlying problem is. Make sure you have a clean air filter installed on your system. Once thawed, turn it on to see if it freezes up again. If so, then it’s time to call the service department at G+S Heating Air Energy Services in order to have a technician discover what the underlying problem is.

Contact our expert team at G + S Heating Air Energy Services today if your troubleshooting doesn’t return the answers you need to get your HVAC system up and running.

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